Sweetloaf Toast

Who doesn’t love a thick stack of French toast with a drizzle of maple syrup?  This slightly twisted recipe using our sweetloaf is so delicious and super easy to make. French toast is a great breakfast, but also a fun brunch menu option and is great reheated. 

By |2020-02-25T22:11:38+11:00December 16, 2015|Breakfast, Recipes|0 Comments

Trahanas Breakfast Dish

Trahana is a wheat product that is eaten throughout Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean and is usually added to soups and stews, and is also eaten as a porridge. This is a really easy breakfast dish that can be whipped up in a few moments and perfect for people that love a high carb start to the day or a warming dish for the kids.

By |2020-07-27T00:30:02+10:00December 16, 2015|Breakfast, Recipes|0 Comments


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