Egg Noodle Chicken Soup23

Prep Time: .5 hr | Serves 4

Egg Noodle Chicken Soup23

No food blog would be complete without a recipe for chicken noodle soup!! My version is made with Olympian Egg Noodle Pasta and is healthy, satisfying, and tastes incredible and so of all the chicken noodle soup recipes out there, this one is certainly my favourite, and is on heavy rotation through the winter months!



1/2cup Olympian egg noodles small
4 cups Regular chicken broth
1 pinch Black pepper
1 Carrot, sliced
1 Celery stick, sliced
1 cup Cooked chicken


Mix broth, pepper, carrot in saucepan and boil.

Stir in egg noodles and chicken cook over 10 minutes or until egg noodles are done.
