Semolina Pancakes23

Prep Time: .5 hr | Serves 4

Semolina Pancakes23

Semolina pancakes are popular in Italian, Indian and also Middle Eastern cooking and can be both sweet or savoury. My pancakes are delicious as sweet breakfast or brunch dish and the fine semolina provides a lovely sandy texture.



3/4 cup Olympian Semolina Fine
1/2 cup Water
2 Eggs
1 tbsp
Honey (or to desired taste)
1/2 tsp Baking soda
Canola Oil
Cinnamon (optional)


Warm a pan with standing oil over as high a heat you can without burning oil.

In a bowl mix well (a fork works) Semolina, eggs, water, honey, baking soda and cinnamon in bowl. Mix until mixture turns into a liquid, the semolina will thicken whilst cooking.

Pour small amount for small cakes or large amounts for large cakes.

Once you can get your spatula under the cake without crumbling then it is safe to flip.

Stack and serve with honey and add your favourite topping.